Rough Ideas!

Below I have create a college of images that I have planned to be my 5 main scenes throughout my music video. I have chosen 5 scenes as I believe that is a reasonable amount to use, therefor my video will not be too complicated or busy. The 5 scenes contain: An empty road with a car and lots of colour, a party with 2 main characters standing out, the main girl in white sheets, an empty hallway with just the main characters and then a sunset with the signer smoking in view. My thoughts behind these sets are all with a purpose. The car in the empty road is for the signer to be singing the lyrics that have no meaning. The party is when the lyrics read "I can't reach you even though were in the same room, ten feet away" which shows us that they are in the same room. The girl in the sheets to symbolize when the signer says "I've been missing you, and all the sexy things we do", indicating a flashback to all of the times they spent together. The empty hallway is when the lyrics are explaining what the singer is saying to the girl about pursuing the relationship. Then finally the sunset with the singer smoking symbolizes him reflecting on the situation while the music fades out.
