On Friday, my school went on a trip to the Knole House to learn about the story of Orlando. In the morning we had a tour of building and we were 'living' through the different times and learning the whole concept of the book of Orlando. In the beginning it was very confusing that it was a performance but no one knew. Eventually we started to understand and it ended up being very interesting as it was all about equality the different genders and sexuality are portrayed throughout the years. The tour was based around an investigation of why there were space time continuums appearing from everywhere and mixed time continuums where all having discussions based on sexuality and who dominated the sex of the child. The whole investigation was based on trying to find Orlando as he had gone missing. After lunch we had a discussion on what think was nature and nurture, with different statements. Then we watched the film of Orlando that came out in 1992, and it showed us the life of Orlando which gave us a perspectives of how gender and sexuality was portrayed in older years. It was an interesting concept because Orlando had apparently lived for 400+ years. I found it really intriguing that the book was based on the Authors life (Virginia Woolf's). After watching the film it gave us all the answers we were looking for, after the tour, like where is Orlando? It was great to watch the movie which allowed us to understand the concept of the day, and generally it was very refreshing to know that we aren't the only century where there are cases of transgender cases.
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