Magazine Research

These three magazines are all from the R&B genres over the years. As you can see the newer the magazine, the simpler and modern it gets. As well as there being less colours and less writing. The Jay-Z magazine uses very bold and squished fonts. Whereas the Drake magazine has only a few words and very spaced out fonts. The similarities of the three is that they all have a mid-shot picture of the singer. They also all have the title of the magazine at the top of the page as well as the singer’s name in an eye catching position. As you can also see, they all have the important information on the sides of the page and they have the essential words in a bigger font size and different colour for the first magazine. The language on the magazines change dramatically through the years. The magazine with Jay-Z uses words like ‘big money’ and ‘foxy women’. This is clearly to get the attention of their audience, which would be older men. Then the magazine with the Weekend on uses sentences like ‘Kurt Cobain’s secret recording’ this is to attract people to want to know what the ‘secret recordings’ mean. Then the Drake magazine clearly uses Drake as the selling point. This is done by putting key information about Drake on the front cover, like a quote, which would make people fascinated how he felt while becoming ‘happy’ as quoted on the cover that ‘Drake finds happiness’. From these magazines, I have taken inspiration to the newest one with Drake on the front, this is because I like the simple look and by selling the magazine by the singer and not the words. I also like the idea of there being a colourful background and using lighter colours for the text, I believe this makes the words stand out more instead of the overused black colour. One thing I like especially from the Drake magazine is that they do the most important piece of information (the quote) in a different colour than the rest of the text on the page. I will be using a few of these ideas to advertise my CD cover. I will be using the style of the Drake magazine as I like the simplistic look, this will then make my CD cover more prominent.  
