Similar Music Video Images

Above I have collected a few images from other music videos from the R&B genre. After watching many music videos, I realised that there were lots of colourful and bold settings but in contrast I realised that, sometimes, you would see flashbacks into what clearly 'used to be' in relation to the relationship. This cross cutting would usually be in grey-scale which allowed it to symbolise the past. I also noticed that there always seemed to have a small story in the video. This links to my ideas, as I have planned mine to revolve around the main singer and a girl, having an 'awkward' relationship. Another main theme that came up was party and sexual scenes, in which I have planned to use in my music video, but not sexualise it extremely. Some of the music videos connected with Goodwin's theory, that in R&B videos, there would be a lot of 'throwing signs'. This is however true, whether its money or 'gangster signs', they always seem to be incorporated. I will use this, and more theorys that Goodwin had in order to match the criteria of the R&B genre.
